Review Policy
Thanks so much for considering my blog for review of your book and for taking the time to review my book review policy. In order to make sure my blog is a good fit for your book, please note the following before emailing your request. Please send all review inquires to btpblog@outlook.com.
Currently, I am only reviewing physical print copies. Advanced reader copies (ARC) or final copies are both fine.
​In your request email, please state:​
The book title/genre
Publisher/date published
A small description of the book
When would you like the review completed by
​Preferred genres for book review: ​
Adult fiction: Contemporary romance, romcoms and mystery/thriller/horror
Young Adult or New Adult: Fantasy, sci-fi, dystopian
​​​I will get back to you as soon as possible regarding a review on my blog and I look forward to hearing from you!